The school “Tao of conscious touch” 2017 – 2019
The school of the art of touch, Oriental massage techniques and holistic approach to human being. Touch is one of the fundamental pillars of human communication. It can cheer, soothe and heal.
In autumn 2017 expanded concept of the school Tao of conscious touch is prepared for you for the first time. The expanded form consists of 37 days during 22 months.
The curriculum is divided into 4 educational weeks + 4 long weekends dedicated to the practice and the integration process.
For those interested, there is a rich educational programme based on a holistic approach to work with human body and consciousness, based on the traditions of the Far East.
You will learn:
Considerable basics of wide range of massage and yoga techniques, based on the traditional tantric system Kaula (Kashmiri Shaivism)
- So called “dry” techniques of Ayurvedic Yoga Stretches that help to thorough stretch and relaxation of the body and to restore the energetic balance.
- Oil harmonizing techniques based on Ayurvedic massage, designed to both thorough and gentle work with muscle tissue.
- Ritual, sensual and healing techniques for working with sacred sexuality.
- Breathing, meditation and relaxation exercises for ourselves and clients.
Furthermore, you will learn:
- authentic communication skills with clients leading to accelerate the development of your own clientele
- tantric approach to body, life and the world for personal integrity
- the art of creating a safe space for your work, where the clients will gladly return
Above all you will experience:
- cathartic Osho meditation techniques
- fundamentals of the bioenergetics theory and character types according to Reich
- shamanic body work techniques according to Medicine circle teaching
- work with the inner child
- trans dance
- a rich list of recommended literature and seminars or training under the guidance of professionals that can complement and develop the knowledge and practice gained at school
Each educational week will host a guest who brings interesting insight into specific areas within one programme block:
- healthy food
- systematic constellations
- BDSM and bodywork
- autenthic communication
Because I would like to create a truly integrated and mutually supportive group, a motivational letter (minimum of 1 standard page) is required for registration, which will give me a better sense of why you want to go through this specific training and what is your experience so far in the field of working with people.
Approximate course structure:
1. block – six and a half days | “dry” techniques based on the so called Ayurveda Yoga Stretches, Thai massage, reflexology massage, Tibetan pulse techniques |
2. block – six and a half days | the repetition, practice and deepening knowledge about “dry” techniques |
3. block – six and a half days | oil massage, Ayurvedic and classic massage, we will learn the basic principles and leave space for creativity and play, which are innate to oil massage |
4. block – two and a half days | the repetition, practice and deepening knowledge of oil massage and its combination with dry techniques |
5. block – six and a half days | traditional and contemporary Tantra, Tantric and Taoist concepts of sexuality, an importance of presence in working with human sexuality, intensive work with your own energy |
6. block – two and a half days | acquiring additional practice, deepening of techniques, knowledge and experiences |
7. block – six and a half days | integration, interconnection and deepening the knowledge of the whole school, mastering creative, meaningful and effective combination of techniques |
8. block – three and a half days | closing ceremony, tests and receiving certificates |
Programme structure of the school day:
7,00 – 9,00 | Yoga practice (asanas, breathing techniques and meditation) |
9,00 – 11,00 | Breakfast |
11,00 – 13,30 | Morning programme |
13,30 – 15,30 | Lunch |
15,30 – 18,00 | Afternoon programme |
18,00 – 19,30 | Diner |
19,30 – 21,00 | Evening programme |
The structure may vary according to the actual situation in the group.
The participants will receive an internationally recognized certificate.
The school is designed for both absolute beginners and experienced matadors eager to complement their experience and better understand themselves.
Meals will consist of high quality, carefully prepared vegetarian foods and superfoods to effectively support both body and soul.
To ensure an individual approach, space for questions and talk over all the topics that participants might be interested in, the minimum number of participants is 12, maximum 16.
1 – 8. 9. 2017
12 – 15. 10. 2017
30. 3 – 6. 4. 2018
28. 6 – 1.7. 2018
5 – 12. 10. 2018
13 – 16. 12. 2018 – term change
12 – 19. 4. 2019
29. 5 – 2. 6. 2019
Prices and registration
40 000 Kč při jednorázové platbě, částka je splatná při registraci
44 000 Kč v případě splátek, splatná ve čtyřech částech, první splátku je nutno uhradit jako zálohu při registaci, další jsou splatné v dubnu 2018, srpnu 2018, dubnu 2019
Ubytování a strava
Ceny zahrnují vegetariánskou plnou penzi:
900,- Kč/osoba/noc v jednolůžkovém pokoji
750,- Kč/osoba/noc ve dvoulůžkovém pokoji
700,- Kč/osoba/noc ve vícelůžkovém pokoji
550,- Kč/osoba/noc v meditárně
+ 50,- Kč – peřina s povlečením, je možné si přivézt vlastní spacák bez příplatku
Místo konání
Tantra centrum Černívsko u Blatné
Černívsko 1
Pro ty z vás, kteří mají zájem nejprve vyzkoušet o co jde, otevíráme
Účast na víkendu není podmínkou pro přihlášení na celou školu a je možné se zúčastnit pouze ochutnávky.
Prosíme, berte na vědomí, že registrací se zavazujete k účasti na celém cyklu školy “Tao vědomého doteku”. Během výuky se vytvoří semknutá skupina, v níž je podstatné sdílení zkušeností a zodpovědnost vůči sobě samým i druhým, rozvoj každého jednotlivce napomáhá rozvoji skupiny.
Registrací souhlasíte se Všeobecnými obchodními podmínkami:
Všeobecné obchodní podmínky v případně jednorázové platby najdete ZDE.
Všebecné obchodní podmínky případě platby na splátky najdete ZDE.
Registrační formulář
30-ti denní intenzivní kurz na Srí Lance – jaro 2019.
Obsah intenzivního kurzu je totožný s osmitýdenním cyklem v ČR, informace o ceně a ubytování a další podrobnosti upřesníme.