Shaman Clinic
Project 3. John Hawken’s Shaman Box in the Czech Republic
This project, still in Shaman diapers, should make the Medical Circle more accessible to the wider public, so far only known to participants in shamanic workshops. Right from the start, I assure you that this is not a naked crack around the campfire and the invocation of evil spirits.
If you are inclined to alternative ways of self-knowledge and healing, try to imagine the intensity of healing in the circle of eight experienced shamanic freaks, in meditation tuned to the different aspects of our body, consciousness and subconscious. Everything is supplemented by another adherent of natural teachings, working directly with the physical and energetic body and the leader of the whole healing called “Dance Chief”, which slowly and wisely spines the threads from all eight directions into a soft web where you can see yourself in the innermost nature . It is not always pleasant, but always liberating and healing.
We would like to avoid too much financial difficulty that would bring about 1.5 hours of treatment with the presence of 10 people. Therefore, these healing sessions should take place at reasonable prices in the shaman boxes, that is, only a few days a year. The whole process can also be enhanced by massage, coaching, therapy and other methods of personal development. If you would like to consult this topic I am available to you in person or on the phone.